Gay Hutchings

 Gay lives and works in Lavenham Suffolk.  After studying languages and working abroad as an interpreter for many years, she returned to England and studied painting under Cecil Collins.  She paints mainly in watercolour and mixed media, working from drawings and sketches made on her travels all over the world.
As a printmaker she specializes in relief printing and monoprinting.
Since 1994, Gay has been working with glass, while still painting and printmaking.  She works to commission on both public and domestic windows.  Commissions include two windows for the Royal London Hospital, a window for the foyer for the Headgate Theatre in Colchester and a memorial window for Peldon Church, Essex.
More recently, she has been making glass without traditional leading, using such techniques as screenprinting, etching, bonding and fusing.   As well as decorative plates and bowls, she creates colourful, textured, free-standing glass pieces, using fusing and slumping techniques.  Her work is mainly imaginative,  inspired by the rich colours and shapes of landscape and nature, together with the human figure. Her most recent pieces are glass flowers for the garden, mounted on wrought iron stands which are intended to be installed in flower beds.
1996-97   Caroline Swash Fellowship for 1 year’s research study in
                 stained glass at Central St Martins, London
1994-96    2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Stained Glass, Central St Martins,
1977-80    BA Honours degree in Fine Art Painting, Central School of Art, London