Philip Wood
The distinctive earthenware made by Philip Wood is characterised by its pale washed colour and detailed figurative relief. Philip studied pottery at Farnham School of Art before attending the Royal College of Art in the early ‘80s. He describes how he was first attracted to stoneware before realising that he was more suited to earthenware, and how he thinks that this is because he is English and has therefore inherited years of earthenware ancestry.
His pots are similar to those made by traditional English country potteries but Philip adds playful, press-moulded sprigs depicting animals, fish, birds, leaves and ornaments, and a loose slip wash. His technical skill in applying the sprigs has been called remarkable.
The pots are durable and designed for use. They may be washed in hot water and dried by hand, or put in the dishwasher. Soaking is not recommended. Crazing may occur and is part of the natural charm of earthenware. They may be used in the oven, avoiding sudden changes in temperature.

His pots are similar to those made by traditional English country potteries but Philip adds playful, press-moulded sprigs depicting animals, fish, birds, leaves and ornaments, and a loose slip wash. His technical skill in applying the sprigs has been called remarkable.
The pots are durable and designed for use. They may be washed in hot water and dried by hand, or put in the dishwasher. Soaking is not recommended. Crazing may occur and is part of the natural charm of earthenware. They may be used in the oven, avoiding sudden changes in temperature.
Philip’s is an extensive range of domestic ware, from breakfast cups to soap dishes, from candlesticks to storage jars and much more besides.
Primavera displays around 20 pieces of Philip's work.