Rowena Park
Rowena Park works with clear acrylic which is shaped and bent using grinders, saw cuts and polishing grits to achieve the basic shapes. The transparent coloured lacquers combined with gold leaf create the vibrant effects, which are then “viewed” through the acrylic layer. The clear acrylic enhances the jewel like quality of the combination of lacquers and gold leaf by focusing the light into the acrylic and bouncing off the coloured metallic layer.
Constantly evolving new motifs and colourways, her range of jewellery has been developed from using ordinance survey maps while walking in the South Downs near to where she lives. The mapping of landscapes with contour lines has always been a fascination to Rowena, the wobbly nature of the lines as they describe a shape and the lack of uniformity particularly appeal.
Rowena has always thought that jewellery design is a dialogue that involves what the wearer wants to say about themselves as much as what the designer/maker is saying about the function of jewellery. Rowena like to work with non-precious materials so that the consideration is of the artistic merit not the intrinsic value of a piece. Rowena’s aim is to create wearable pieces of art within the confines of the field of jewellery.