Tess Recordon
Tess explores the space between landscape and abstraction using the theme of travel and memory. These are not traditional landscapes showing a particular view or scene but aim instead to capture the atmosphere, smell and essence of a place experienced over time. The landscape - rural or urban - a living, changing environment.
Tess uses her travel experiences to explore different perceptions of the world. New places - unusual sights, smells, sounds and tastes heighten the senses and focus the mind. Seemingly small or insignificant moments remain clear months on. Travel forms vivid memories and her work is an exploration of the recollections from these journeys.
Oil paint is the most wonderfully versatile medium. She works freely and experiments with her paint not limiting the creative process by constraints of style.
Starting with multiple thin layers and moving onto thicker layers, pigments in their raw form are worked into the wet paint to add texture, depth and colour intensity. Whether the paint is poured, pigment added, sanded off or re-applied, the artistic process is not hidden from the viewer and can be seen under the final surface.
These are physical, intuitive paintings full of drama, nature and event. Each painting is its own place.
1989-91 Fine Art Degree, Byam Shaw School of Art (at Central St Martins)
Awards: Principles prize & the Mercer's Scholarship
1986-87 Arts Foundation, Cambridge College of Arts and Technology
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Crystal, Florida
ARM Holdings PLC
Marriott Group, Portugal
Primavera holds a collection of approximately 30 limited edition prints from Tess.